All in Faith

Are You Starving Yourself Spiritually?

Starvation can be defined as suffering severely from hunger.

We recognize physical hunger by physical symptoms such as a growling stomach or headache, and emotional signs such as anger and irritability. We can recognize spiritual hunger in the same way.

I was talking with a friend the other day at small group. We were discussing how our week was going and sharing our prayer requests. She began telling me that she needed prayer for discipline

Gaining and Maintaining a Godly Perspective

I absolutely love working with children, but lately it’s been hard. I’ve felt more dread than joy on the days I’m scheduled to serve in my church's nursery. Before each shift I try to press into God’s strength and not rely on my own, but still (at times) I feel overwhelmed.  This past Sunday was no exception.

After a short break between shifts, I arrived back early and decided to listen to worship music. I was singing Here Now by Hillsong United:

The Struggle: Battling Unbelief

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. - Psalm 42:11

As I sat in my car reading this verse, my eyes filled with tears. "I don’t understand why I feel this way", I thought to myself. How is that I can have so much faith in God’s plan for my life and still struggle with a great amount of fear, doubt and worry? My spirit believes, but there are doubts in mind and fear in heart trying to convince me that this won't work out, it's not going happen for me, it's my fault, and I'm not good enough.

5 Years In: Life In Christ

5 years ago today I made the best decision and most important decision of my life, I became a Christian. The time hasn't flown by, it's actually been equally slow, sweet, frustrating and tumultuous.

I was not raised in church but growing up my parents taught me about God. It wasn't until my junior of college that I finally stopped running from God, and surrendered to His love. As I look over the last 5 years, I cannot believe how much my life has changed, how much I’ve changed.

Trusting God's Timing: 4 Things I've Learned

I am by nature the plan-my-whole-life-before-breakfast type. I trust God and want to follow His plan and timeline for my life. But if I can be honest with you, really honest… some days it’s just plain hard. It’s not until now that I relate to Galatians 6:9 -

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. “

Seasons Are For Change

’m a few days late, but it’s finally spring and I couldn’t be more excited! Spring is the season of new beginnings. Days are longer, nights are warmer, and things that were once dormant and dead bloom back to life in vibrant color.

Like nature we too experience seasons. There are times in our lives that are filled with warmth, comfort and fun much like summers and times that feel cold like winters due to the loss of a relationship, loved one, or job, or a feeling of loneliness and isolation. For me spring represents a much needed time of joyful change