Stepping out on Faith - How to Discern and Make a Decision

Stepping out on Faith - How to Discern and Make a Decision

Have you ever felt like God was telling you to do something big, that would require a lot of faith? Did you struggle to go for it? I have.

I’ve struggled with stepping out on faith more than once because I wanted was to be 100% sure I was not making a mistake. In the past, my go-to step was asking God for confirmation or a sign. Sometimes I received them but other times I didn’t. I recall one time when I was unemployed and applying for jobs. I received an offer but I wasn’t excited about the position. I was, however, broke. I felt torn and wanted God to give me an explicit answer…but He didn’t. Instead, He told me I needed to learn to decipher His voice through the noise.

Most of us desire for God to give us a clear yes or no because eliminates the risk of the unknown. However, God isn’t interested in keeping us comfortable. He’s interested in us knowing him intimately and making us into the image of His son, Jesus. Getting an instant answer doesn’t require faith. If God simply dropped signs out the sky every time we asked, how would we learn to discern His voice? How would our faith develop? We’d be too dependent on what we could see. Hebrews 11:1 tells us,

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”.

Throughout the last decade of my life, I’ve taken many leaps of faith. From moving to new cities, changing career paths, and even starting this blog. I know how scary it can be and how quickly anxiety rushes in when you. Through those situations, God taught me how to stand in faith through uncertainty. Here are three principles that help me push past fear and step out on faith.

1. Focus on What You Could Gain, Not Lose

When God told me to move to cities, I immediately questioned it. I thought of (at least) 10 reasons not to go. But through all of my doubts, one question remained - What if I miss out on what God has for me? Is being comfortable worth that sacrifice? My history in Christ told me it wasn’t. I thought about all of the things I’d done in obedience to God and realized it always ended up better than I could’ve imagined. The journeys weren’t easy, but they were worth it. If God’s leading you to do something, know that it will be good because He is good. His will is good, pleasing, and perfect (Romans 12:2) for our lives.

2. Rely on the Holy Spirit More than Signs

As we mature in Christ, we should be able to make certain decisions without God giving us a sign. Think about it like this - babies need their food prepared because they are helpless. They’re still learning how to control their motor skills. But a 13-year-old doesn’t need you to cut their food. They are mature and capable of using the tools (knife and fork) they’ve been given.

The same is true for a follower of Jesus. As we mature in our faith, we will have the tools to make the right decision. When a situation is directly against God’s will (i.e sex outside of marriage, gossiping, etc…) we should know what God’s Word says to do. When it comes to gray areas, we should be close enough to the Holy Spirit to hear his whisper. We won’t need signs because we’ll have God’s wisdom.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt…” - James 1:5-6

(Know that God will never instruct us to do anything contrary to His written word. If you’re not sure what the Bible says about a topic, do a study and look up multiple verses AND their context.)

Related Post - Are You Hearing God? Four Questions That Will Help You Discern God's Voice.

3. Seek God’s Counsel Before People’s

When faced with a decision, is God the first person you turn to or the last? As well-meaning and wise as our loved ones, mentors, and close friends might be - they aren’t God. They don’t know the future or God’s explicit plan for your life. Only He does. Moreover, not everyone will support what God is telling you to do. Faith moves can seem crazy because faith defies reason.

Well-meaning, logic-focused, people will try to talk you out of the will of God. Let your counsel be a few trusted, God-centered people. Some things even they won’t understand. God won’t always reveal to others what He’s revealed to you. Choose God’s instruction over people’s wisdom. Jesus knows where you’re going and how to best get you there.

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. - Romans 11: 33-36

Prayer: Father, help me to know and trust your character so that I may trust the plan you have for my life. I pray against fear, doubt, and anxiety and I ask for your peace to guard my mind and heart. Help me to be courageous and follow wherever you lead. You’re a good Father. I believe the plans you have for me are for my good and Your Glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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