Waiting for the Perfect Moment? My Advice...Don't.

Waiting for the Perfect Moment? My Advice...Don't.

Hey y'all, long time no see (figuratively speaking).  It's been two months since my last post and so much has happened since then. I'm proud to announce that I (drum roll please.....) launched my online business! On Nov. 1st I officially embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship and to be honest it's been a bit overwhelming. 

For as long as I can remember I've wanted to start my own business, but as I grew up and my interests changed I had no idea what type of business I wanted. four months ago it finally came to me. I knew what wanted to sell - products that would help women carry inspiration and encouragement into their every day lives. 

But the journey has been challenging. I tend to be a perfectionist which can be detrimental to progress because I want everything to be, well, perfect before taking any next steps. For three months I struggled to pick a launch date because, to design products, and create social media profiles. 

In my ideal world I would have open my virtual shop doors with 20 products ready to sell - but that didn't happen. Opening day I had a whopping 2 items ready for sale. Not my idea of perfect opening day. But I've learned an important lesson through all of this:

Perfection is not the goal, action is. 

So often we wait for the perfect moment before we make our move - when we have X amount of money, when we have more time (ha!), when we graduate, get married, get a better job, and so on and so forth.  Friends, here is a piece of wisdom I've learned - there's a different between the right time and the perfect time. 

It you're waiting for perfection you'll be waiting for forever. 

If you want to accomplish a goal or work toward a dream now is the right time to start.  We've all heard the saying, "You've got to start somewhere".  You may not have all of the resources you desire or all the knowledge but that's okay! The sooner you start the sooner you will mistakes, learn from those mistakes, grow in knowledge, and find success.  

It may not look the way you dreamed it would. You may start with two products instead of 20 like, but don't let the fear of not having it all figured out stop you from taking the first step. It took me six hours to list my first product on Etsy. I've been blogging for 2 years and am still learning the ins and outs out this craft. It's been trying at times but I've come so far. 

It's impossible to learn everything you will need to know before you start. The world, social media, technology are ever changing. Don't let the learning curve intimidate you. Most likely you will struggle at first -  don't try to avoid it.  Let it fuel your determination and refine your approach. It's not about having a perfect start but having constant progression.

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” - Karen Lamb

*Here is the link to my two product Etsy shop. I'm debuting 10 New ones this weekend. be sure to subscribe via email for updates direct to your inbox or follow me on instagram.

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