Tiffanie Butts

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Is God Testing Me? How To Recognize and Pass Spiritual Tests

There’s a reason the Israelites went around the same mountain for almost 40 years. It’s the same reason many of us are stuck in repetitive cycles and battles year after year. We’re failing the same test with no idea why.

Why God Tests Our Faith

In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:6-7

Tests expose what is in you and where your trust truly lies. They aren’t meant to harm you, but to sanctify you so that you’ll become more like Jesus Christ.

Even after you put your faith in Jesus there is still a lot of work to be done. Thankfully, God is gracious and refines us little by little. He doesn’t expect us to exhibit all the fruit of the Spirit immediately. He knows that it takes time. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula. The primary way God helps us grow in love, patience, kindness, etc…is by placing us in situations that require us to develop and exercise those characteristics. I recently read a quote on Instagram that sums this up beautifully:

“It’s the people that frustrate you that God will use to grow you. You won’t learn how to love well if you only love lovable people.”

Miles McPherson

Have you ever found yourself in a new situation that was weirdly similar to a previous one? For example, your last three bosses treated you harshly and unfairly, or the last three men you dated tried to persuade you to compromise your purity. A sign that you’re failing the same test repeated is found in the pattern you’re seeing in your life. What is the pattern that you can’t seem to break free from?

Related Post - Faith Under Fire: Why Our Faith Must Be Tested

If you’re not learning the lesson God is trying to teach you, He’ll allow you to re-take the test. If you don’t pass it the first time, you’ll get another chance…and another, and another, until you do. God doesn’t do this to punish you. He’s trying to reveal your weakness and sin so that you seek Him to learn how to overcome it. We don’t pass spiritual tests in our own strength. We pass them by relying on God’s strength and walking in obedience to His instruction.

How God Tests Us

It’s likely that God is testing you if the situation you’re in is 1) trying or difficult and 2) gives you the opportunity to put into practice what God has been recently teaching you.

When God wants to develop joy and/or peace in you He’ll allow you to go through things that are stressful, overwhelming, and frankly not fun at all. But you’ll never know biblical peace and joy if your life is always “perfect”. Happiness is based on what’s external, what’s happening around you. Biblical joy and peace can exist regardless of your circumstance because it’s rooted in Christ and a godly perspective.

God helped me grow in biblical peace by allowing me to endure stressful financial situations. The anxiety I had was evidence that my faith was not in my bank account, not God. I struggled to have true peace because deep down, I believed it all relied on me. Back then I believed my job was the source of my security. So when God told me to empty my savings account and give it as an offering, it shook me. At that moment I had a choice. I could worry about all of the “what if’s” or I could shift my focus to God and pray. He’d provided for me financially before, so why wouldn’t He do it again? I stopped worrying and started trusting God. Let me tell you, He made a way. No emergencies came up AND five months later I had more in my savings account than I gave in the offering! I passed that test by letting go in faith instead of holding on in fear.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:2-4

When God places you in a difficult situation do you run back to old habits and mindsets or do you run to God for guidance? Any characteristic we possess that isn’t Christ-like needs to be removed, and anything that is, needs to be pruned and further developed. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself being tested on the same characteristic years later, but in a tougher way. We won’t reach perfection on this side of heaven. There will always be more to learn and develop in Christ.

How to Pass Spiritual Tests

The short answer - trust God and be obedient to His Word. I know that it’s not always easy, and thankfully, God knows that too. He’s gracious and gives us the resources and wisdom we need to pass these tests. However, it’s up to us to apply what we’ve learned and received. Foremost, you have to spend time with God daily, read the Bible, practice the spiritual disciplines, be obedient to His commands, and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. You can’t follow His will if you don’t know it, and you won’t trust Him if you don’t know His character.

If you do those things then you’ll be better equipped to pass every test that comes your way. When God instructs you to let go of that relationship, it’ll be easier to trust Him because although you don’t understand His plan, you know that His will is what’s best for you.

Give what He tells you to give instead of holding on out of fear. Move where He’s calling you to move and trust that He’s gone ahead of you. When your coworkers are gossiping, don’t partake. When your boss treats you unfairly, pray for them. When situations are difficult, learn to stay instead of quit. Running won’t solve the issue, the issue will just follow you to the next place.

You can pass these tests. Remaining stuck in toxic cycles, bound by sin, and defeated are not your portion in Christ. You are an overcomer. No longer a slave to sin, but set free in Christ Jesus.

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.

Romans 6:22