Tiffanie Butts

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Why You Should Let Go and Trust God Instead of Holding On

Sometimes it can do more damage to hold on than to let go. It may feel like nothing could be worse than the impending pain or uncertainty of the future if “this”(whatever your this is) doesn’t work out, but trust me there is.

Life is full of transition. When you’re in a season of change or facing an unknown future, it’s tempting to hold on to what you know (i.e. where you are comfortable). As Christians, our life should be dynamic and full of growth – not one of comfort and complacency. Our lives are like puzzle pieces. God is orchestrating a beautiful picture. It’s tempting to get attached to one piece of the puzzle, but one thing we desire and become hyper-focused and obsessed with the outcome.

Why Letting Can Be Necessary

The goal is to live open-handed, palms up to God, knowing that His ways are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). What He gives is for your good, and what He takes away is too. He doesn’t remove things from our lives to hurt or discourage us. Rather, to help us. He removes idols and other things that seem good but are actually detrimental to our spiritual growth.

Your life has a purpose bigger than your own happiness and comfort. Its purpose is His glory. If you hold on too tightly to a created thing instead of trusting the Creator, your faith will suffer. Doubt and fear will creep in, and you may begin to question God’s goodness when things don’t work out the way you desire. This will make it harder to trust His plan and let go of your own. As a result, you may try “re-gain” control instead of surrendering it.

Related Post - Overcoming the Fear of Surrendering EVERYTHING to God

I know about that last part all too well. God’s knowledge is so much greater than my own and yet so many times I’ve found myself pleading with God to bend his will to fit mine. When He didn’t, I tried to make it happen outside of His timing and in my own way. Each time I did that, I regretted it. I now know that God’s plan is always better. If we knew everything God knew, we’d trust His leading one hundred percent of the time.

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. – Proverbs 16:3-4

You can trust your unknown future to a known and loving God. Albeit, it’s not always an easy thing to do, but it’s a must if you desire to grow in Christ. As you fight to stay surrendered in times of uncertainty I want you to remember three things:

1. God Knows What He’s Doing

God sees the end from the beginning and everything in between. There is nothing too hard for God to understand or too big for Him to accomplish. If He’s leading you down a certain path, there’s no need to worry or try to control every outcome. He created you, the world, and everything in it. You can trust His guidance completely. If He’s leading you to let go, it’s for a purpose.

2. Letting Go Makes Space 

If you don’t let go of the past you won’t be able to take hold of what’s next. Jesus didn’t sacrifice himself on the cross to save us from sin just so we could live a mediocre life with our best days behind us! Jesus came to give us abundant life (John 10:10).  You can let go of what was and look forward with hope knowing that God is working all things together for your good according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). He has plans for you that are beyond your wildest dreams. Things you don’t even know you want yet.

3. God Cares About Your Character

God is shaping you into the image of Christ.  Although it’s true that God will give us the desires of our heart when we trust in Him, He won’t give them to us at the expense of our spiritual growth. Being able to trust God in uncertainty is one way you grow in your faith. It’s not that he doesn’t want to bless you because he does. But more than giving you what you want, He wants your character to be able to sustain it, and for you to become someone who will use everything you’ve been given for His glory.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Obedience to God is Key

Obedience to God is the goal. You can only know what He wants to do by seeking Him through His Word and prayer. Don’t let go of something just because it’s challenging or you feel like it. You will face trials as you pursue God’s will. Something being hard isn’t a reason to quit, especially if it results in disobedience to God. Only through communion with God will you learn how to navigate tough situations.

The time to let go is when God tells you to. When it feels hard remind yourself that in Christ your best days are always ahead.